Schools require thorough cleaning, as they get plenty of daily foot traffic from students, teachers, and administrators. However, we all want what’s best for the students, as they’re the future. It’s time to start implementing green cleaning programs in more schools. This means using eco-friendly products rather than harmful chemicals to clean and disinfect desks, bathrooms, floors, and more. Here is why green cleaning programs are best for schools.
As Effective as Traditional Cleaners
Traditional chemicals might work, but we should always strive to find new and effective cleaning solutions. Thanks to years of advancement, eco-friendly products are now just as effective as traditional cleaners. They provide a safer option, as they lack the hazardous chemicals, without sacrificing performance. After all, schools are often exceptionally germy, so it’s vital that you have cleaning and disinfecting products that can be relied on.
Better for the Environment
Green cleaning products, such as those certified by Green Seal, are environmentally sensitive and are designed to have a low impact on the planet. This is important because schools require a lot of cleaning products. From cleaning desks to disinfecting cafeteria tables and bathrooms, the amount of cleaning product adds up, with chemicals released into the air and washed away into the ground, rivers, and oceans every time you clean. By using environmentally friendly cleaning products, you’re reducing the negative impact harmful chemicals could cause.
Healthier for Students
Kids spend a lot of time in school every day. For some, it could be up to twelve hours, depending on if they do after school activities like sports or clubs. This entire time they’re being exposed to chemicals left on freshly-cleaned surfaces and that linger in the air.
Harsh, traditional chemicals can have a negative effect on children, both long and short-term. A child who touches a freshly-cleaned desk then rubs their eyes could end up with a painful burn or even an allergic reaction. Also, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about 4.5 million children under the age of 18 have asthma. Poor indoor air quality due to chemical cleaners exacerbates this further, and can even cause asthma attacks. There have even been studies that link certain chemicals from traditional cleaning products to reduced cognitive abilities in children.
All of these health risks are reduced, if not fully eliminated, by switching over to safe, green cleaning products.
Sets A Good Example
Children are the future, and if we want a healthier, greener earth in the next few decades, we need to start our children on this path. So the sooner you can teach them to care about the environment, whether it’s the benefit of recycling or using green cleaning products, the more likely they are to carry those lessons into their adulthood.
However, kids are smart. Too smart, it sometimes seems, and they are quick to pick up on things. Specifically, they’ll notice if you tell them to do something, but you aren’t doing it yourself. So, if you want kids to take more responsibility for the environment, they need to see you doing the same. This means setting a good example by using eco-friendly products and carrying out a green cleaning program in their school.
Implementing green cleaning programs in your school is best for everyone. The environment and our children alike benefit without sacrificing any efficiency. Contact us today to discuss implementing a green cleaning program for your school facility today.